For a condom card, if you are over 16, you can register online by clicking or tapping below:
The sexual health service for 15-25 year olds in Redbridge is run by BEWIZE VIA. Our services are also available for vulnerable or at-risk adults over the age of 25. This bracket includes: those living with HIV, temporary accommodation/no fixed abode, substance misuse, diagnosed mental health conditions, sex workers, or if your partner falls into any of these categories
Our services include:
– Free condoms, lube and dental dams with the C Card via Come Correct
– Free Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea (STI) testing and treatment
– Sexual health advice, workshops and drop ins!
All free, all confidential.
You can register for a C Card online here (if aged 16 or over) or by visiting one of our participating outlets in the borough (see below).
Pharmacies and other outlets across Redbridge that distribute condoms, Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea testing and treatment, and Emergency Health Contraception are listed below.
Contact the Bewize Team for advice and support by calling 0300 303 4551, DM us on Instagram @via.bewize or email us at [email protected]
For further sexual health support (e.g. Long Acting Reversible Contraception) please contact Barking Community Hospital on 020 8970 5724 or walk-in to their clinic if you are under 18, pregnant, or for other sexual health emergencies.

Testing and Support
If you are looking for Emergency Contraception or testing please click one of the links below:

Registration and Distribution Point

Distribution Point Only

Other Service