For a condom card, if you are over 16, you can register online by clicking or tapping below:
If you are aged 13-24 and live in Enfield, you are entitled to access free condoms by registering for a C-Card. Under 16s can be registered by a professional at our youth centres, clinics or at one of our participating outlets where you are a client.
If you are aged 16 and over, you have the option to register at one of the outlets below or online using the register online link opposite.
If registering online, you can choose to get:
- A digital card you can use to collect condoms in outlets
- A digital card and condoms collected from outlets
For more information on the scheme watch our promotional video at https://youtu.be/zJQaHaQIcCQ.
Testing and Support
If you are looking for Emergency Contraception or testing please click one of the links below:

Registration and Distribution Point

Distribution Point Only

Other Service